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DHKZCOL –MP Medicated Collagen Particles


At present major medical problem is clinical treatment of skin loss due to sever and maximum burns and wounds. It is very important to cover the open wound surface before the onset of infection. Management of larger wounds poses major challenge in the medical profession. Coverage of uninfected wound with auto graft has been found to best for preventing fluid
loss from burn areas and controlling air borne infection This is for this reason medicated bio-materials like DHKZCOL-MP play a very important role in the infected wound management to alleviate the sufferings of millions of patients in this category.

DHKZCOL – MP particles is primarily a type 1 collagen with mupirocin IP 2% w/w and metronidazole IP 1% W/W of specified volumes. It is Gamma Sterilized and supplied in medical grade vials DHKZCOL-MP particles possessing excellent biocompatible and wound healing properties. It has
good absorbing, non-toxic, non-allergic and non-immunogenic properties.

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